Top 4 Online Education Platforms 2024 compiled in this article. If you like to study online or if you are interested in online courses, you should definitely visit the following sites. We have listed the largest platforms where you can find paid or free training on all areas of life.
- Udemy.com
- SkillShare.com
- Udacity.com
- Coursera.org

Udemy.com is one of the largest online education platforms, which was founded in 2009 with 3 founding partners and hosts trainings for adults and students. Trainings on various subjects are given by teachers who are volunteers or who want to earn money. If you are an expert in a subject, you can make money by giving trainings on Udemy.com.
- More than 170,000 paid or free courses.
- More than 60 languages education.
- The platform with the widest subject area
Browse Training or Courses on Udemy

- Access to over 20,000 courses with a premium subscription.
- Team-based lessons are at the forefront.
- It has a concise interface. A platform that can be easily used by people of all ages.
- It was established in the USA in 2010.
- The basis of learning proceeds through a project.
- The content is of very high quality and the difficulties encountered can be solved easily thanks to the communication facilities.
Browse Training or Courses on SkillShare

It was founded in 2011 and is currently one of the most popular online learning platforms. Thanks to its lifetime access feature, it manages to attract its users. It is an online university with a great design and unique content.
- The main source of the entrepreneurial idea is the word courage.
- Opportunity to become a trainer or mentor.
Browse Training or Courses on Udacity

This platform has an interesting story. Professors who start offering their courses online at the university then leave the university to grow this platform. It quickly spread all over the world with the inclusion of trainings in other universities on the platform.
- Massive online learning platform.
- A social responsibility project founded by computer science professors.